In this section you'll find excerpts from Dr. Kelley's contantly evolving workbook: The ABCs of Natural Health. You'll also find re-prints from a column Dr. Kelley wrote for Perpetua - The Magazine during 1993.
Category |
Description |
Diet |
Dietary recommendations, allergy testing/alleviation information and additive warnings. |
Exercise |
Information about Kettlebell strength training as well as general fitness and exercise tips. |
Water and Oxygen |
Information about the importance of pure water, water purification, water PH, florine and chlorine warnings, oxygen and ways to increase your oxygen intake (in addition to breathing really fast.) |
Immune System |
Information about the immune system including recommended foods and supplemnts for boosting immume system function. |
Stress and Meditation |
Information about stress in it's various forms and a meditation technique called Mindful Awareness. |
Remedies & Prevention |
Information about relieving and correcting: Hiatal Hernia, Osteoporosis, Psoas problems, Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) and Thyroid problems. |
Previously Published |
Previously published articles about aging, weight loss, exercise, heart disease and cancer. |
In House Studies |
Studies done by Doc Kelley. Sprouting, Men's and Women's hormones, more to come. |
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