circuit boxes, or major power lines on the other side of the wall closest to your bed. And, obviously, your house should not be under or too near any major overhead power lines.
The hazards from such long, close exposure to electromagnetic fields cannot be screened, altered, or repaired. Some of the reported hazards include increased incidents of cancers, especially in children, stress, fatigue, depression, mental disorders, eyestrain, short-term memory loss, heart problems, hormonal imbalances, and a host of other symptoms and conditions.
Magnetic fields are generally measured in milligauss. Most of the research in this field has been done by the Soviets. The safe levels of exposure that they recommend is 1,000 times less than the levels recommended here. To err on the side of caution you might wish to minimize your exposure to fields no stronger than 1 milligauss. For children, whose bodies have constantly multiplying and growing cells, this number should be closer to one half of a milligauss.
The instrument I have used for years to check levels of electromagnetic radiation in offices, apartments, homes, or wherever I may be spending an extended period of time is called a
Cell Sensor EMF Detection Meter
Interestingly, in one of the offices I had several years ago, I had located my personal office in a small room that had a nice view. For weeks after moving in, I noticed extreme fatigue and difficulty focusing and concentrating. After checking electromagnetic readings, the problem became very clear. The outer wall where I had located my desk was the location for all the wiring coming into that building. As an experiment I moved my desk to the far wall. There was a noticeable improvement in my ability to focus and concentrate, but the fatigue continued until I relocated my personal office and left that room for storage only. A lesson well learned.